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We offer a number of consultation and engagement options to fit the needs of our prospective and current clients. 

We offer phone-based consultations and in-person legal consultation. 

After we receive your consultation request, we will contact you to arrange our consultation.​​​



Please submit your consultation inquiry.

We will contact you to arrange our consultation.​



Please submit your consultation inquiry.

​We will contact you to arrange our consultation.​


​Please note, the law may require you to take action (i.e. file an application, file an appeal, file a petition for review, file a motion to reconsider/reopen, etc.) within a specified period of time or you will forever lose your rights to file for said relief or any other benefit to which you may be entitled under the law.  


This firm will not be responsible for any such deadline, unless formally engaged in the manner required to establish a client-attorney relationship by signing a written agreement with a lawyer.​ Prior to the legal consultation, we need to identify all parties involved in your situation. Identification of all parties involved is necessary so that we may assess whether there is any conflict of interest preventing the attorney from providing you with a legal consultation. 


Payment for and attending an initial consultation appointment does not create an attorney/client relationship nor an obligation on our part to provide you with legal services or representation. Please review our Terms of Hire and Terms and Conditions regarding Initial Consultation Meetings.

Diyora Law Office PLLC

Physical Address:

707 South Grady Way Suite 600, Renton, WA 98057


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©2024 by Diyora Law Office PLLC.

Disclaimer: This website may be considered an advertisement. The content on this site is for general, informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as legal advice. The information provided at this site should not be construed as legal advice and does not constitute an engagement of Diyora Law Office or establish an attorney-client relationship. Laws, including U.S. immigration laws, are constantly changing. In no event shall Diyora Law Office be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or in any way connected with the use of this website. As a condition of your use of this website, you warrant that you will not use this website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices.



Consult a qualified immigration attorney for advice regarding your own unique situation. Simply contacting us does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Please avoid sending confidential information to us until such time as a formal attorney-client relationship has been created. Practice limited to U.S. immigration and nationality law. Diyora Ismailova, Diyora Law Office, 330 SW 43rd Str, K432, Renton WA 98057, is the attorney solely responsible for this content.

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